Thursday 16 October 2008

Coming Unstuck

Aaaaahhh! Yes, it is that time of year again. Uni will be over in just about 2 weeks and a bit... There is a mad rush for me to finish my assignments and revise within the limited time that I have :s All my friends are also feeling the pressure. My hair has started 'shedding' even more than it usually does... A sign of stress, yes?

The worst part is, I have such a big backlog of unrevised work that I am tempted to pretend it doesn't even exist which is something of what I've been doing for the past few weeks. Which has landed me in the exact same situation except that it is of much greater urgency and magnitude this time around. Meh.

So today, I've started revising. Finally! And how much I don't know is freaking me out even more. Again, I'm tempted to just push it out of my mind and go buy some ice cream instead... It's such a bright sunny day outside. Why oh why must I be stuck in my apartment at this time??? I wish my course had no exams and no assignments. Haha! Only in my dreams :p

So, about coming unstuck... Basically, it's an analogy of sorts about how I feel about my looming deadlines and exams. I feel like a fly that is stuck to a spider's web and is trashing around in a desperate attempt to free itself. In the beginning, it may seem like a feat that is impossible, but perservere and the fly (a.k.a. myself) will eventually loosen the hold that the evil web has on it and can eventually fly away to the safe haven of the closest rubbish bin. But wait. In reality, are flies really able to free themselves from the web they get caught in? For my sake, I hope they can! Or I'll just be like the fly, except cooler because unlike the fly which, once caught in the web, has to accept that it will get eaten by the spider (if that's what really happens la), I can indeed unstick myself from the impending doom that are my deadlines and exams by WORKING! NOW...


Back to work it is for me...

P.S. sorry if the analogy sucked and got you all confused. I never was any good at coming up with analogies... :p

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