Sunday 15 June 2008

Shit Happens :p

I've just been thinking about how everyone has to endure some sort of hardship in their life - death, disease, depression, famine, poverty, ...the list is endless. Although some succumb and do pretty drastic things like take their own lives or just end up totally crazy, most people deal with it and eventually get on with life. They may not have recovered fully from the trauma of it all, but they still strive ahead. I find it totally amazing, our human instinct to adapt and our will to survive. How some people just pick up what little pieces remain of their tattered lives and go on to do wonderful things. How sometimes it seems like nothing will be able to fix you and yet, somehow, you manage to pull through.

I love this about us people. And I hope we never ever give up even when things seem down and as if there isn't any hope left in this world. I hope this never changes about us. We ARE thougher than we know and think.

I'm not sure why I've been thinking about this so much in particular, but I do believe that time can heal us. We just have to have the patience to wait it out. And I am happy (and relieved) that I have finally voiced my thoughts out here in this post :)

Yeah, my first proper post in a loong time and it's this emo :p I blame it on my totally haywired female hormones again :) I don't think I'll be very easy to live with once I have menopaused. And hormone replacement therapy makes people fat... I think?

Well, that's all for now! Hope it was thought-provoking/inspiring/whatever else you want it to be (the positive stuff la :p)

1 comment:

Hean said...

I like your post. You know what, I think someday, I might suffer from depression. Hahaha. Then I'd blame it on male hormones?