So as everyone knows (since it's only the gazillionth time I've said it :p), it's exam time! And revising always, ALWAYS sets off a bout of panic in my system. There is always at least one dreadful day where I freak out and realise that I could actually FAIL. *gasp!* o_O
And on those kinds of days, not much work gets done because I'm too busy freaking out. Haha. The irony of it!
Then my backup brain kicks in (since I am a superior thinking being and all) and I get back to work.
The thing about mind over matter is that all the time when a person talks to their uni seniors about exams, they are told how difficult the papers are, which chapters are the most horrid to digest and which parts they shouldn't even bother studying. This just scares us into thinking of the exams as huge, immovable mountains of doom - where passing would be a miracle in itself. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little :p But you know it's true!
And then we all start revising for the exams with this mindset and even if the question we're doing gets a teeny weeny bit difficult, we remember how 'difficult' the paper is supposed to be and give up on that question then and there. However, what I realised is that not completing the question at this point is just us using what we'd heard as a feeble excuse to give up.
So try the question again, assuming that it IS something that is within your mental capabilities and that it isn't all that complicated and you will discover that... *drumroll*... IT'S NOT! :)
Yup, try it. Really. It works most of the time.
Disclaimer: Sometimes, some problems really are way too difficult to solve... The limit depends on how smart (or not-so-smart you are :p)