Wednesday, 29 July 2009

I've just spent the past hour reading random blogs and going through my old, old facebook wall posts and am feeling particularly philosophical about life - what it's given me in the past and what it has in store for me in the future.

A few slightly disjointed thoughts:

  • It's confusing trying to read into everything that happens in your life and interpreting it as a 'sign' of some sort; Difficult to predict from these supposed 'signs' what lies ahead. And yet, without fail, everyone does exactly that every single day.

  • About soulmates: I always wonder if I will find mine, or if such a thing even exists. Recently 2 things I've read/heard regarding this very thing have been featuring constantly in my thoughts. One is what I read in a book that says that a soulmate doesn't have to be someone who remains in your life forever but instead comes into your life in your time of greatest need, to help you, and then leaves once his/her duty is done. The other is what someone told a friend who then told me: that there is not one, but many soulmates for any one person in this world - the key is to stop looking once you've found one soulmate.

  • It's interesting how everyone has different ideas of what the ultimate goal of their life should be - some say it's having a successful career and making lots of money; some say it's getting married and having a family; and some don't even look that far ahead but instead choose to live life once day at a time. I always wonder: What is MY ultimate goal in life?

  • I just straightened (well, to be accurate, I should say 'relaxed') my hair 1 week ago but can't help noticing what looks like the beginnings of a curl in one particular lock of hair... Meh. So much for having straight hair for a change.


Hean said...

To me, the goal is to live an interesting life. Or die trying. haha.

But what's interesting changes with time.

Suffice to say, Hean has a boring life. :P

Annabel said...

hmm. what do we know..