Sunday, 22 November 2009

I should SOOO be studying rocks right now...

In a desperate attempt to procrastinate, I decided to check out 'The Star Online'... You know, to catch up on the news from back home :p

What was initially expected to be a fruitless conquest turned out to be quite fruitful instead! Came across a report about Chin Peng, the infamous former Secretary-General of the Communist Part of Malaya, which linked to more articles about him and his fight to return to Malaysian soil. See, he is 85 years old and in poor health and currently lives in exile in Thailand (so exciting!) and all he wants is to be allowed to live the final few years of his life in the country he calls home - Malaysia. The Malaysian government isn't allowing this move (as expected). But I think they should just let the old man come home and lift his exile sentence. Like seriously, it's not like he's going to revive the communist party and plot to overthrow the government?!

Anyway, anyone who's interested to read these newspaper articles that I speak of can do so by clicking on the links below:

Chin Peng apologises for death of innocents

So close and yet so far

P.S. how appropriate is it that I'm listening to 'Gai Bian Zi Ji' {Change Me) by Wang Lee Hom right now? :p

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