Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Just A Few Thoughts

Why do people voluunteer themselves for situations that have negative effects on them? Why do they create their own problems and then complain about having to fix them when the problem could have been avoided altogether? I have seen so many people who get themselves into situations that get messy and unpleasant that were caused by themselves in the first place. But I guess things like that just add a breadth experience in our lives, huh?

Have movies clouded people's perceptions of reality? Have our minds been conditioned to accept what is seen on TV and in cinemas as an accurate model of the real world? I must say that to a certain extent, even the most far-fetched things we see on TV have some sort of resemblence to real life. Whether its a happy ending to a romantic comedy, or a bloody war scene... I mean, the directors and scriptwriters have to get their idea from somewhere right?

Does giving birth really hurt as much as people say it does? Because if it does, there are still a whole lot of women who are still willing to have children anyway...


Lokesh Awasthy said...
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Lokesh Awasthy said...

hmm...i believe pain is more powerful emotion than happiness as such, and probably that is why you relate all the good things in life with it - be it maternity, love or anything else. Pain etches your soul.

You express very plainly some very serious emotions. I liked that.

PS: I dont think its tht brainless, ur expression :P .
PSS: I took a cartoon from ur blog .. :D

Anonymous said...

i believe people have been brainwashed into thinking life should be just like the movies...

Naveena said...

Does reality shape the media or does the media brainwash ppl into behaving a certain way which is what we see as reality? That's kind of a vicious cycle if you think about it. I mean yeah, scriptwrites get their ideas to a certain extent from real life experiences but how we behave is a product of our environment and TV is a huge part of that environment. It's personally up to you where you draw the line between reality and make believe reality =) that's my two cents worth -(

shobana s. said...

thanks for the thought provoking comments everyone!! :D

i think after all the thinking i've done, that its a bit of both... we make ourselves into what we see on tv but also that tv is based on our lives to a certain extent (plus the fantasies of the writer).

Anonymous said...

i don't get the post.......