Friday, 11 April 2008

It was IESS's Poker Night yesterday and what I feared might be a huge flop turned out to be quite a success after all :D I was the raffle tickets seller person girl thingo :p It was quite a fun job except I had to be totally and obviously 2-faced by telling everyone they had a really good chance of winning the 2 iPod shuffles we were giving away. Bad karma be gone!!!
All in all, it turned out to be a good night, I made a few new friends and became better acquainted with some not so new ones. I feel good!

And I woke up this morning, skipped my morning lecture and I'm still feeling good!!! Except it's beginning to get cloudy outside... Gggrrr. Stupid rain clouds. Disappear! Yeah, wishful thinking :p

:D :D :D

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