Tuesday, 19 February 2008

What IS 'The Secret'?

Recently, everyone has been talking about this book called 'The Secret'. Apparently it is a life changing experience to have read this book... Ooookaayyyy. Yeah, right :p

Well, I went for my routine dental check-up this afternoon and my dentist's waiting area had a copy of the book. I wanted to know what this amazing life-changing secret was and so I casually flipped through the book. I found a page that said 'What is the Secret?'. Guess what the answer was? I would never have guessed what was coming next. Well, the Secret is.... wait for it... Attraction o_O

Yeah, well I guess it sort of made sense. Our lives are based on different attractions to anything and everything that surrounds us everyday. But it took an over-hyped book to tell us that? I didn't have time to read more but my sister says that there is more than one Secret in that book. I guess its for me to discover when I have more time :p

So for now, the Big Secret seems to be ATTRACTION. Gah! I wish I had thought of that...

1 comment:

Naveena said...

Yeah, I wish I thought of that too...to be quicker so I could have made the million bucks before the author! =)

But you know, maybe it's just me being a lil 'high up there' but I've never been able to bring myself to read self help books..try as I have. Guess I'll never fully know what the secret is aye?