(Totally unrelated to title) A friend pointed out that in one of my earlier posts, I thanked all those who commented on my blog but forgot to thank those who visited my blog but didn't necessarily leave a comment. So here's a big thank you to everyone reading this blog too :D
And to the main point of this post...
Why smoking is bad for you:
- Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and lung disease (OMG!! No way!! *rolls eyes*)
- Passive smoking is bad (really, really bad) for the people around you. So you're not only
shortening your own life span but that of others too.
- Smoking = $$$. Think of all the good things you could do with all that money spent on cigarettes.
That's basically the gist of all the anti-smoking ads and campaigns (except perhaps that last point). Like its going to convince a smoker to stop smoking... I know people who've had diseases caused by smoking and still insist on their daily pack. Why would anyone subject themselves to such a slow and almost always painful death? Self-inflicted too! I don't get it at all.
Its NOT COOL to smoke
People who smoke usually snore because their lungs and throat are so congested with gross things (not cool!!)
Neither is it beneficial to your health...
Addictive maybe, so why do people start smoking in the first place?
If its because of stress, try chewing gum!! Or even minor electrocution... Well basically what I'm trying to say is that there are other alternative stress relieving habits (don't count drugs)
So there, that's me venting out my frustration on this whole matter about smoking and my lack of understanding as to why people choose to start smoking in the first place.
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